Magee Class of '64 50th Reunion
Class of 1964
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The 50th Reunion May 2, 2014
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The 60th Reunion May 23,2024
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Bob Allan
Philip Allingham
Karen Alston
Bruce Antrobus
Jill Arnold (MacLean)
David Ashby
Joy Ashdown (Shelly)
Kenneth Baker (Baker)
Bruce Ballam
Bill Barclay
Audrey Baxter (Parker)
Marion Begg (MacKay)
Vicki Begg
Barry Bell
Rosemary Bell (Vernon)
Pam Beyette
Lorna Biggs
Pam Binley (Hansen)
Tom Bishop
Bill Black
Hazel Black (Karlsen)
John Bogardus
Roy Borthwick
Peter Bracher
Lynne Braga
Steve Bridger
Leslie Britton (Tessman)
Virginia Brooks (Matheson)
Barb Brown (Whittle)
Derek Brown
Diane Buchanan (Kerfoot)
Ruth Budden
Tom Bush
Susan Buttress (Rathborne)
Robert Byng-Hall
Mary Calder (Armitage)
Carol Anne Caldwell (Schwengers)
Bob Calladine
Margaret Campbell (Johnson)
Susan Campbell
Keith Chambers
Bob Chataway
Betsy Clarke (van Halderen)
John Clarke
Terry Cochrane
Don Cockcroft
Judy Coles (Brock)
John Collier
Carol Conlin (Chanter)
Leslie Connolly
Penny Cooke (Dalton)
Dianne Cooper (Dunn)
Pat Corcoran
Suzanne Cotterall
Beth Cox
Donald Cox
Kent Craig
Linda Craig
Malcolm Crane
Kenna Creer (Manos)
David Crocker
Cheryl Dakin (Lyall)
Dianne Davidson (McKay)
Peter Dawson
Betty Dennison (Andersen)
Ron Denson
Carl Desbrisay
Andrew Devine
Gordon Dossett
Heather Douglass (Scott)
Ken Driedger
Cliff Du Fresne
Martin Dubnov
Lynne Duncan (Wheatley)
Lee Edwards
John Elliot
Ann Elworthy
Dave Fairhall
Jim Farrell
Ilona Feher
Gordon Fidler
Barbara Field (Creighton)
David Fladgate (Fladgate)
David Fournier
Joanne Fox (Enns)
Ann Franklyn (Gouk)
Don Fraser
Vicki Gardiner (Hempsted)
Don Gillan
Evelyn Gillespie (Rolston)
Janet Goodenough (Brown)
Leslee Goodwin (Niven)
Ellen Gordon (Humphrey)
Steven Gordon
Helen Graham (Black)
Bob Grant
Joan Grant (Hadaway)
Marilyn Grant (Wilson)
Paul Grant
Vicki Grant (Storie)
Belle Gray (Sangster)
Jim Gray
Geord Greenwood
Judy Greenwood (Pescitelli)
Grev Grey
Corry Groenhuizen (Green)
Cyril Hack
Murray Haigh
Carole Hall (Earle)
Gordon Hamilton
Don Hammersmark
Jack Hampton
Jim Hardwick
Susan Hardwick (Russell)
Margo Harkley
James Harmon
David Harris
Maureen Harrison
Ann Harvey (Marantz)
Bob Harvey
Mary Henderson
Bruce Herd
Charles Herman
Doug Hewitt
David Hockin
Gary Hoskins
Gordon Hughes
John Hughes
Kathy Hughes (Devine)
John Humphrey
Daphne Humphrys (Lovick)
Judy Hunter (Teague)
Dan Huzyk
Tom Hylton
Peggy Insley (Kabush)
Jean Iredale (Cochrane)
Allan Ireland
Bryan Irwin
Deborah James
Karen James (Gibbons)
Karen Jamieson
Judy Jennings (Catton)
Diane Johnston (De Groot)
David Jones (Jones)
Susan Jones (Spurging)
Dave Kalbfleisch
Barbara Kelly (Nienaber)
Peter Kendall
John Kennedy
John Kidder
Rick Killam
Anita King (Cochrane)
Margot King (Delorme)
Nairn (Buz) Knott
Brian Koo
Margo Korsch (Stanaway)
Paul Korsmo
Roberta Krass (Gutman)
Peter Lamb
Maurice Lambert
Barb Lathwell (Moulton)
Audrey Leeworthy (Legge)
Neil LeNobel (Le Nobel)
Kent Lewis
Eric Lillie
Susan Loch (Lawther)
Sandy Lockhart
Diana Long (Schuldt)
Brian Lorne
Beverley Lowe (Visintin)
Betty Lyall (Davidson)
Maureen Lyons (Peterson)
Joan Mackintosh
John MacLean
Rich MacLennan
Peter MacRae
Scott Macrae
Nancy Mains (Bailey)
Ron Maitland
Leslie Marks
Kim Marshall
Sandy Marshall (Scheer)
Don Martin
Dorcas Martin (Raines)
Leila Marttala
Lynette Marwick (Baldock)
Ann Massie (Macbeth)
Isabel Matsushita (Nishi)
Bruce McArthur
Maureen McCallum (Matheny)
Lyn McCauley (Merryfeather)
Sheila McClary (Rushton)
Ian McCririck
Ian McFarlane
Paul McGavin
Maureen McGill
Robert McGinn
Gail McGregor
Rod McIntyre
Don McLean
Eileen Mclean (McFadyen)
Carol McLeod
Bob McMorine
Jean McNab (McLaren)
Chev (Christopher) McRae
Don Meakins
Anita Mearns
Renae Menard (Knott)
Melody Miaullis (Sugars)
Keith Miles
Geoff Millar
Gordon Miller
Robert Miller (Miller)
Brian Montpellier
Claudette Montpetit
Arlene Moore (Van der Ende)
Lorne Moore
Scott Morgan
Barb Mortimer (Bell)
Neil Murray
Graham Neale
Sydney Nesbit (Flam)
Anne Nichol
Christie Nichols (Strodl)
Leigh Nichols
Ann O'Kelly
Peter Olson
Tony Orchard
Diane Parsons
Lorne Paton
Barbara Perkins (Litchfield)
Brian Perry
Steve Perry
Ann Picard (Frewin)
Gerry Pinhorn
Susan Pinkham
Mary Powell
Sandra Powell (Brewer)
Sandra Pughe
Ken Ramsay
Ray Rankin
Dianne Rathie
John Rea
Gaye Read (Ballantyne)
Dick Reid
Milton Reinheimer
Hugh Renwick
Steve Reynolds
Sheila Ricardo (Virgo)
Ann Richardson
Innes Rickart (Ediss)
Alan Robb
Judy Robinson (Helme)
Linda Rodgers (Sutherland)
Nonie Rorke (Horvath)
Carol Rose (Whyte)
Bill Ross
Pat Ruttan (Arbo)
Jeff (Yehuda) Samuels
Bob Sangster
Diana Sankey (Hancock)
Terry Schuss
Glen Scott
Isobel Semple (Brophy)
Georgina Sharp (Coustalin)
Marg Sharp (Huber)
Robert Shaw
Dale Shepherd (Gerein)
Judy Sheret (Bird)
Donna Shiell (Sadler)
Herb Silber
Mike Sinclair
George Smillie
Lynda Smith (Joyce)
Susan L Smith (Billingsley)
Susan M Smith (Simons)
Mike Stacey
Peter Steede
Pip Steele
Brian Stevenson
Roselynn Stevenson
Shelagh Stevenson
Christie Stewart
Peter Stobie
Jack Sutherland
Diana Symonds (Butler)
Daphne Tarbuck (Graff)
Bill Taylor
Bob Taylor
Bill Thompson
Lyn Thomson (Martens)
Lyndsay Thomson (Fukushima)
Susan Thorneycroft (Uegama)
Paul Trapp
Al Turner
Mike Udy
Pat Underhill (Wolfe)
Kuniko Uyeno
Evelyn Van Nes (Zimmer)
Odette Venuti
Carolyn Verley (Wark)
Paul Vroom
Carson Wade
Wayne Wai
Merilee Walden (McKay)
Dave Wallbridge
Kathy Walsh (Smyers)
Barbara Walton (Anderson)
Janette Webb
Eiizabeth Webber (Daley)
David Wei
Wayne Weins
Sjoukje Wensveen
Ray Whitaker
Mary White (Magrega)
Linda Whitley (Churchill)
Paul Wickland
Brian Williams
Vicki Williams (Hooper)
Glen Williamson
Trudy Wong (Ruiterman)
Bob Wood
Steve Woodruff
Tim Woodworth
Bill Wright
Jennifer Wright (Maynard)
Mike Wright
Temple Wright
Barbara Young (Johnson)
Guest Members
Barry Rhoades (Magee Cent…
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